Frogtoon Music

島流しの王子 by 山田晃士

Artist Biography For 山田晃士

Koshi Yamada 山田晃士 Yamada Koshi Is A Japanese Singer And Guitarist Who Performs Music That Fuses Elements Of Gypsy Jazz Cabaret Swing Chanson And Occasionally Rock. He Began As One Of The Vocalists For The Metal Band AROUGE. Once AROUGE Disbanded Yamada Went Solo. In 1997 He Formed The Group KOSHI Au Bourbier "to Express Borderless Music Revue." Yamada Has Released Albums Under Various Names And Collaborations Including KOSHI Au Bourbier
山田晃士 Au Bourbier Koshi Yamada Au Bourbier KOSHI
ガレージシャンソンショー Garage Chanson Show 山田晃士と泥沼楽団 Yamada Koshi And Doronuma-Gakudan 山田晃士&流浪の朝謡 Yamada Koshi & Rurou No Asautai He And Fumihiko Kitsutaka Guitarist For AROUGE 筋肉少女帯 / King-Show And X.Y.Z.→A Also Collaborated On The Album "Never Ending Story" As A Part Of A Group Called 橘高文彦&フレンズ Fumihiko Kitsutaka & Friends . Albums - 舞踏会 1994 Under The Name 山田晃士 - Monologue Theater 1997 Under The Name KOSHI - 世紀末キャバレー~opera Noir~ 1999 Under The Name KOSHI Au Bourbier - 欲望輪舞曲 2001 Under The Name 山田晃士 Au Bourbier - ガレージシャンソンショー 2003 Under The Name ガレージシャンソンショー - びらん 2003 Under The Name 山田晃士と泥沼楽団 - 実況見分 2004 Under The Name 山田晃士と泥沼楽団 - 狂歌全集 2005 Under The Name ガレージシャンソンショー - Theatre Solo 2010 Under The Name 山田晃士 - デラシネ・スウィング 2011. Under The Name 山田晃士&流浪の朝謡

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